Old Plymouth II Old Plymouth Monkey Head Oaxacan Burial Chac Mool
Birth Statue Souvenir Montana Cigarros Fishing Frogs Lupita y Ricardo
Masks Lemon Flowing Down Guerneville Buddha Birk
Infra-Urn Fence IR Hydrant, Gough Rockin' Rolls Candy Pills
Crew Only Dragon Water Keep Your Shoes Barrel No Trespass
Disney Resort Line Green Tea Pocari Sweat Comfort Controls SARS Pack
Sandy Bench Driftwood Logs Pepper Salt Spring Blossoms II Spring Blossoms I
Bamboo II Bamboo I Rake and Broom Totoro Pot weave
Mop Basket Bawls Railing Sake Kyoya
Fire Hydrant Yin-Yang Balls Crayons Color Lanterns Urban Boots
Otemoto Rusty Wire Beauty Fall on Rocky Soil 443
Oh Lonely 8 Ball No Parking Here Cued and ready Y2K Remnants Elevator
Orange Tie Color Martini Hayward Payphone 1.10 Whoop Ass
Chocolate Cake Electric Fire Company Russian water Fresh and minty Momints  

Photographs © Dennis Mojado.